Remote Collaboration via VR & AR at Home
Pandemics are scary. And they’re challenging emotionally as well as physically. There is no way around those facts. But while health professionals and public servants over the world are doing their absolute best, every single person can make a contribution to slowing the spread of the Coronavirus. Remote Collaboration and virtual presence strategies are just one way to both get work done and stay connected in general while in the comfort and safety of your home.
Many of us are in a good position to do the right thing and chill out at home as much as possible. And while we think it’s commendable that some regions have opted to support residents by suspending mortgages and financial obligations, canceling events, and scaling back day-to-day life, many of us will need to continue working. Life is going to keep rolling forward.
Remote Collaboration that Feels Real
The first step to finding a new normal if you’re suddenly working from home is establishing how you’re going to carry out tasks. How are you going to connect with prospects and clients? How are you going to touch base with co-workers and employees?
Remote Collaboration applications, also referred to as virtual presence, more closely resemble a meeting in person than something like a video chat or a conference call. Apps like Arvizio, Avatar Chat, Spatial, and Whiteboard are ready to use for anyone with a compatible headset.

Image Credit: Dragon Images / Adobe Stock
Classes and Presentations via Remote Collaboration
School closures and conference cancellations are spreading even faster than the Coronavirus. And that’s a good thing. The more we can participate in remote working, distance learning, and digital entertainment now, the better position the whole world will be in as we get deeper into this pandemic.
If you plan to participate in virtual meetings or attend presentations virtually over a long period of time, you might want to consider higher-end gear. Some of the best products to try are actually AR glasses rather than VR headsets. The Microsoft HoloLens 2 and Magic Leap 1 are ideal for incorporating digital content into the world around you without shutting the world out completely. While full VR immersion is great for certain games and experiences, you may find interpersonal conversations and workflow better suited to a blend of digital and real worlds.
Virtual Tours for Real Estate
If your business activities can be deemed non-essential, you’re likely looking at a drop in participation. That means fewer home tours and fewer show home walk-ins. The good news for Real Estate developers and salespeople is that VR walkthroughs and AR-enabled collateral are a fantastic option for keeping prospects engaged while they’re not willing or able to visit your property in person. You can send them VR presentation content and follow-up with Remote Collaboration to get feedback.
VR and AR for Real Estate are used mostly for presales activities, but can also be employed to engage prospects remotely for existing properties. Extended Reality technology – gear and content – is now affordable enough that a much broader range of Real Estate professionals can benefit from its use.
Virtual tours are another great option for remotely viewing properties. You don’t need a headset and they can be created from pre-construction renderings or current 360-degree captures. A Real Estate salesperson can conduct a virtual tour remotely simply by sending a link.
Affordable, Accessible Remote Collaboration
Many of us with VR gear already at home are in a good position to take advantage of Remote Collaboration. However, we may need to connect with colleagues and partners not already in the VR loop. If you’re just getting started with VR – or need to get someone else started – it doesn’t get more affordable than a Google Cardboard.
And when we mean affordable, we’re not exaggerating. Some models can be had for under $6 USD. Granted, these ‘headsets’ are little more than stereoscopic lenses inside a cardboard frame. But for a brief connection experience that’s all they need to be, particularly if it’s your first product.
VR for Entertainment Too
Staying home around the clock is hard for many people. Even if your job can be done from home (and many can’t) spending downtimes in the same place day in, day out is challenging.
Depending on your personality and lifestyle, you may simply need to hang out with friends and get away from your living space. VR and AR can help here too. If you already own Extended Reality gear, you’ve probably already got content. But if you’re just now considering an entry-level headset or glasses, immersive content offers something for everyone. Whether you want to gaze at mountain vista or link up avatars with your friends, VR has got you covered.
Remote Collaboration Going Forward
Working from home is good for the environment while removing the stress (and expense) of commuting from your workday. Virus or no-virus, adapting company policies, tech, and personal lifestyles to a balance of working from home and commuting or traveling would bring a literal breath of fresh air to our world.
If you’re on the fence about adopting Remote Collaboration as a business solution, consider a few factors. We can’t be sure how long the current Coronavirus pandemic will continue. But we do know it’s important to both mitigate pending economic problems now and continue to address the environmental impact of commuting down the road. We all have to start doing things differently in general and remote collaboration is one of many solutions we need.
A Team of Tech Evangelists
Stambol is a team that values people. Not just our people, but the health and well-being of everyone on this little blue marble. We do what we do to make the world a better place, one solution at a time.
So, we love advocating for any technology that makes our lives happier and healthier. If you have questions about how you can make Remote Collaboration (or any other Extended Reality solution) work for you, reach out and start a conversation.
Feature Image Credit: DC Studio / Adobe Stock