As the entire world races toward the finish line of the Covid-19 pandemic, setbacks are plentiful and fresh challenges are leaving many discouraged. Since...
Watching the Coronavirus (Covid-19) outbreak unfold on a global scale has sparked alarm, preparation, and economic hardship. To deal with the first two issues,...
School closures and calls to work from home are jointly hitting parents hard during the Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak. We are being asked to maintain...
Pandemics are scary. And they’re challenging emotionally as well as physically. There is no way around those facts. But while health professionals and public...
It's back-to-school season – the perfect time of year to review Extended Reality training and teaching tools. How can Virtual and Augmented Reality serve...
Carl Sagan’s Spaceship of the Imagination was a powerful concept. It was the cornerstone of the TV mini-series “Cosmos: A Personal Voyage” (recently resurrected...